Patient Education
Please contact us as soon as possible if you are going to reschedule your appointment. Our policy requires 24 hours' notice for cancellations. A fee may be assessed for a missed appointment.
Prescription Refill Requests
If you are in need of a prescription refill, please contact your pharmacy and they will provide our office with the necessary forms to expedite that process. If it is a new prescription, please contact our office so that we may consult with your provider.
Privacy Laws
HIPAA regulations limit the people who have access to your private and protected health information. In your patient packet, you will find a form that will allow you to list the people with whom you allow us to discuss your care.
Helpful Definitions
Beneficiary: A person who receives benefits of any insurance plan or policy.
Claim: A request for payment for services submitted by the provider.
Coinsurance: A specified percentage of covered expenses which the insurance carrier requires the beneficiary to pay toward eligible medical bills.
Co-pay or Co-payment: A specific set dollar amount contracted between the insurance company and the beneficiary to be paid prior to any services rendered.
Covered Services: Services for which an insurance policy will pay.
Deductible: A specified dollar amount of medical expenses which the beneficiary must pay before an insurance policy will pay.
Explanation of Benefits (EOB): A statement from an insurance company showing the processing of a claim.
Medically Necessary: Treatments or services that insurance policies will pay for as defined in the contract.
Non-Covered Services: Services for which an insurance policy will not provide payment. These services are to be paid by the patient at the time of service.
Pre-Certification/Authorization: A service-specific requirement that your insurance company's approval be obtained before a medical service is provided.
Provider: A person or organization that provides medical services.